Friday, June 30, 2006

Ben & Mel's Moving Day!

This morning at 5:30, Cameron and I drove down to North Bay to help Ben & Melissa who are moving this weekend. After packing all morning, we made the 4-5 hour drive to La Sarre, Quebec.

Since we were already on a roll, we decided to unpack the trucks soon after we arrived, rather than waiting for Saturday morning.

Congratulations to Ben and Melissa on their new home!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Mountain biking...I like!

A couple of days ago I pulled my Norco Sasquatch bike out of the basement. I've found some fairly challenging terrain on which to ride. Navigating a rutted trail while fluidly absorbing the bumps I think is a great way to get some exercise and fresh air!

Image from

Monday, June 26, 2006

Windows Vista - Beta 2

I recently reconfigured my laptop to be dual bootable with Windows XP and the new Windows Vista Ultimate (Beta 2). After first trying the 64-bit edition (to check out the capabilities of my laptop's AMD Turion 64 processor), I re-formatted and installed the 32-bit version. This is because many (most?) device drivers are not yet available in a 64-bit version; so, while the OS did load, I didn't have any sound, card reader, etc. with the initial installation!

The Vista OS does have a completely different "feel" than XP; one which I think is both refreshing and functional. Simply, I now prefer using Vista...

Currently, downloads of the Beta 2 release are available from Microsoft here.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Sunny Summer Saturday

Today we packed a picnic to enjoy at Kettle Lakes Provincial Park. The pleasent weather and supurb Nothern Ontario scenery made for a relaxing day in the sun!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Circumhorizontal Arc

Photograph from, courtesy World Picture Network

Friday, June 16, 2006

CELTA: I'm Finished & I Passed !!!

What an amazing course! Finished.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Reality vs. Illusion

In his lecture "Who am I? And the search for Identity", Michael Ramsden deals first with the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, who postulated there is no such thing as reality and that everything is an illusion. There are problems with this rather popular idea because, for one thing:

“If you say that everything is an illusion, you are assuming there is such a thing as reality from which you are distinguishing illusion. But if there is such a thing as reality from which you distinguish illusion, it is not true that everything is illusion, because you are assuming the existence of reality from which to distinguish illusion.”
- Michael Ramsden

That's my mind-boggling quote (which makes perfect sense if you think about it!) for this evening! The lecture is amazing, and well worth the listen. Free download in MP3 here.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Two photo-related milestones!

1. The weekend of Ben & Melissa's wedding (May 20-21), my HP R707 digital camera surpassed a total photo count of 10,000 images. Since the camera is only a little over one year old, it is obviously well used!

2. Sometime last night, the total "images viewed" count on my Photo Journal surpassed 5,000. Thank you to everyone who has checked out my photos; I hope you have enjoyed looking at them!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Engines in the evening

Earlier this evening, the sound of a fire truck racing by drew me away from my studies and to the open window. Stopping just up the street, the truck's engine rumbled to a backdrop of still more approaching sirens. In the end, the fire appeared to be only in a blanket which they quickly beat to death on the front lawn. However, no fewer than five trucks (including the full ladder truck) arrived on the scene... If you look closely at this photo, you can see the ghosted image of a walking fireman, captured due to the long low-light exposure.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Montreal Metro

I took this photo as the metro (subway) train was arriving at the stop where I was waiting on my way back last evening.

Friday, June 02, 2006

2007 Microsoft Office system Beta 2

Update: I've changed the screenshot to reflect the "Windows Vista" colour scheme of Word 2007 B2.

Today I downloaded and installed the Beta 2 for the upcoming Microsoft Office 2007 software package. In the few minutes I've worked with it so far, the new UI (user interface) in Office 2007 looks amazing. Be warned: the download is around 440 MB, but well worth it, I think!

Official Beta 2 Download Site