Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Brand Confusion?

One company, Sierra Designs*, focuses on outdoor gear and apparel, while the other, Arby's+, is in the fast-food industry. However, their respective logos evidently appear enough alike to make people think of Arby's when they see my jacket! So, I've now been identified as the Arby's-guy?!

Note: All logos are registered trademarks of their respective companies.
*external link to
+external link to

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Student Development Day

Today was Student Dev. Day here at GBS. David Stonestreet* from Summit Ministries* was the guest speaker for the three sessions held in the morning. Here are some quotes from Mr. Stonestreet's presentation on "Thinking Worldviewishly: Loving God with Your Mind":

"No information is neutral, because information contains ideas and ideas have consequences."

"You may not live what you profess, but you will live what you believe."

* external link to

Post #200

This marks my 200th post...thanks for reading "Malcolm's Musings"!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ski Day at Perfect North

Today a group of 15+ students from GBS went to the Perfect North* ski hill in Lawrenceburg, Indiana for a day on the slopes. We had a marvellous day of skiing and returned this evening tired but happy!

Megan, Ryan, Malcolm, Alisa

Photo by: JonMark C.

More images in my Photo Journal!

*external link to

Friday, January 26, 2007

Snow. Flake. Detail.

I recently received some snowflakes photos taken by Cameron. He has succeeded in capturing the beauty, intricacy, and splendor of individual flakes through his microscope. I think these photos rival the best "professional" images I have seen. Congratulations Cameron...

All snowflake images by: Cameron D.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Blurry Basketball

This evening, before I started my "shift" at recording intramural basketball stats, I took this photo of the action in the GBS gym.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Much of You

I just again heard the song "Much of You" by SCC and was struck by the challenge it presents. May each one of us be able to honestly share in the chorus' prayer...

Verse 1:
How could I stand here
And watch the sun rise
Follow the mountains
Where they touch the sky
Ponder the vastness
And the depths of the sea
And think for a moment
The point of it all was to make much of me
‘Cause I’m just a whisper
And you are the thunder and

I want to make much of you Jesus
I want to make much of your love
I want to live today to give you the praise
That You alone are so worthy of
I want to make much of your mercy
I want to make much of your cross
I give you my life
Take it and let it be used
To make much of you
Lyrics courtesy of

Can you say "gullible"?

"Really? You can do that?!'s my money!"

CIA tale scams 22 out of almost $1 million (external link to

Monday, January 22, 2007

Some Serious Eating

Mr. Dan H. was ready to dig in to some great Indian food at supper on Friday!

...and yes, I did get his permission to post this photo :-)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Truth is reality

"Truth is reality. Truth is the sum total of the way things really are. Therefore, truth is the explanation of all things. You know you have found the truth when you find something that is wide enough and deep enough and high enough to encompass all things. That is what Jesus Christ does." - Ray Stedman

Unlimited PC-To-Phone Calling in NA

Until Jan 31st Skype is offering a one year subscription to their Unlimited PC-To-Phone in the US and Canada for $14.95 USD. I've been using Skype for quite some time and find the call quality to be virtually indistinguishable from a tradition phone call most of the time.

Check out Skype here (external link to

GBS's Mr. Photographer

Here is Ryan W.*, doing what he does well...capturing a photo!

* external link to

Friday, January 19, 2007

Double-Birthday Supper

This evening we ate at a Indian Food restaurant to celebreate Evangeline's & Micah's birthdays which are both on the same day next week.

(l-r) Alisa, Kamel, Jeremiah, Evangeline, Elizabeth,
Laura, David, Jorden, Micah, Dan, Zach

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Truth and Action

My Mom shared two related quotes with me today:

From C.S. Lewis’ book The Screwtape Letters: "And the great thing is to prevent him from doing anything. To think about it, to consider it is fine but not to actually do it."
- Screwtape, advising a junior devil

"Many people stumble over truth on their way through life, but most get up, dust themselves off, and go on again."
-Sir Winston Churchill

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Over Christmas I found this odd product called "poly-dough" at a local discount store. Although it doesn't feel sticky, the individual Styrofoam-like lumps hold together quite firmly but can be molded into different configurations. The packaging claims it also never dries out and can be reused... Here is a masterpiece of mine. ha!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Monday, January 15, 2007

3D Textured Buildings

Google Earth's* latest release (Google Earth 4*) now includes support for textured 3D buildings. On the other side of the field, Microsoft's mapping service Windows Live Local+ also displays similar models. Here are images from both services of the Golden Gate Bridge:

Windows Live Local:
Google Earth 4:

* external link to
+ external link to

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Shall we use a phenomenological approach?

From my "World Religions" class notes: "The phenomenological approach to the study of religion attempts to understand religion from the perspective of religious persons themselves."

Anyway, I just thought the word sounded interesting. Click to hear the word phenomenological pronounced from Merriam-Webster online. (external link to

Rude awakening

Here are two products which provide a powerful persuasion to awake in the morning:

- Sonic "Bomb" Alarm Clock * (delivers a 113db alarm, supposedly similar to a car horn blast)
- Flying Alarm Clock * (forces you get up and catch the flying component to shut it off)

* (external link to

Friday, January 12, 2007

Free 12" x 18" Poster

For my fellow photographers (but are US citizens), this may be of interest. Staples® is sponsoring a photo contest. It seems cool because even if you don't "win", even an entry into the contest appears to score you a free 12" x 18" big colour poster.

Check it out here: (external link to

Record snowfall in Whistler, B.C.

Just one more statistic to further show how western North America is stealing our snow:

Whistler sets snowfall record (external link to

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Character & Greatness

Here are a couple more quotes from Rev. Quesenberry:

"Character is forged in ordinary life and showcased in extraordinary events...and always in that order."
"Greatness is borne out of a commitment to excellence in the mundane and undesirable assignments of life."


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mid-Winter Revivial Services

This week GBS is in mid-winter revival with Rev. Duane Quesenberry who has been delivering powerful messages. In the morning services, yesterday and today, he's been speaking on Joseph's life from Genesis chapter 37. A few quotes from his message:

"Dreams without discipline inevitably turn into nightmares"

"Discipline without dreams makes for a long life of insomnia"

"Every dream life is preceded by the preparation of discipline"

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007

I Will Lift My Eyes

Late last year I heard a song that spoke to me then, and continues to speak to me now. Entitled "I Will Lift My Eyes", the poignant lyrics are as follows:

God, my God, I cry out
Your beloved needs You now
God, be near, calm my fear
And take my doubt

Your kindness is what pulls me up
Your love is all that draws me in

I will lift my eyes to the Maker
Of the mountains I can’t climb
I will lift my eyes to the Calmer
Of the oceans raging wild
I will lift my eyes to the Healer
Of the hurt I hold inside
I will lift my eyes, lift my eyes to You

God, my God, let Mercy sing
Her melody over me
God, right here all I bring
Is all of me

‘Cause You are and You were and You will be forever
The Lover I need to save me
‘Cause You fashioned the earth and You hold it together, God
So hold me now

-Written by Bebo Norman and Jason Ingram

Two Time Lapseseses

How times flies...

- Letter mailed in 1954 is finally delivered to address
(external link to

- Book borrowed in 1960 is finally returned to library
(external link to

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Update: I've authored a short video clip of our drive down the mountain.

Our Friday morning drive from Westcliffe to Colorado Springs was successful...but greatly hampered by a blizzard (external link to blowing through the area.

Colorado Photos

I've posted a bunch of photos from my recent trip to Colorado here on my Photo Journal.

-Photos by Marc G.

Congratulations M.E.G. & M.E.G.

Michael & Marie Garreau
January 4, 2007

Hiking in Colorado

-Photo by Genna G.
Michael G. & Malcolm D.

Looking across the valley toward Pikes Peak (14,110')

Friday, January 05, 2007

Back in Cincinnati

Well, praise God, I have arrived safely back at GBS in Cincinnati!

Quick Update from COS - Gate 4

After five amazing days at over 8,000' I am now at the Colorado Springs airport waiting for my flight to Cincinnati which is scheduled to leave ~30 minutes.

This past Monday afternoon I arrived at the Seminary near Westcliffe, CO where my friend Michael has been studying. I was the Best Man at his wedding which took place on Thursday. In the next few days I plan to upload some photos of my wonderful time in Colorado. Here is one image of the view from near Westcliffe:

The peak on the right is Horn Peak which reaches 13,450 feet

Monday, January 01, 2007

First Glimpse of the Mountains

View from the Days Inn parking lot near Denver, Colorado

Some random lake as viewed during the flight from Timmins to Toronto

Happy New Year...

...from somewhere not far outside Denver, Colorado!