Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fellow Canadian At GBS

Here is a slightly-altered photo of my friend and fellow Canadian at GBS, Joseph Krohn. Interesting photo, eh?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My Mom Can Unicycle!

Photo by: Cameron Donaldson using IR Remote Control!

Today I received this photo of my Mom and Brother unicycling together! I know Mom's been practicing for a while, and I'm happy to see she's got it... Congratulations Mom!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Post #100

Well, this is Post #100 here on Blogger since I first posted back on March 26th of this year. Although I initially wasn't sure I would continue posting regularly, this has since been a great experience! Thank you to everyone who browses my blog to read my musings!

My blog was unavailable for almost two days over the weekend due to some problem with Blogger... I'm not sure what was wrong, but it is evidently now fixed, for which I am glad.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Smoked Whitefish

This evening my Mom sent me a photo of smoked Whitefish. Our friends in Waskaganish sent down this treat with another of our friends who came to Cochrane this week. Some of the fish will be frozen so I can enjoy it when I return home, Lord willing, for the Christmas holiday... They say it's delicious!

Two Great Quotes

1. In chapel service this morning President Avery quoted Spurgeon by saying:

"Nothing can enter heaven which is not real; nothing erroneous, mistaken, conceited, hollow, professional, pretentious, unsubstantial, can be smuggled through the gates. Only truth can dwell with the God of truth."

2. Then in class this morning, an "anonymous" student's paper was read by the professor and contained the following quote from Sir Winston Churchill:

To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour.”

Those are both certainly sobering truths!

Monday, September 18, 2006

An Evening In The Park

Last Saturday evening, eight of us students went up to a park called Mount Airy Forest. As the largest park in the Cincinnati area there is large expanse of flora and fauna! For a while, hiking along one of the forest trails, one could almost forget the close proximity of the city!

Before the evening was over we had walked, talked, prayed, and sang together! I feel incredibly blessed to have Christian friends with whom I can share such special times.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Committed to the Truth

This past week in my Adv. Homiletics class, the professor said:

"Even though we are absolutely committed to the truth, we must realize we are not the only one who can see it...because that would be arrogance." -Dr. A. Phillip Brown

In the pursuit of knowing the truth, we must remember that we do not have the monopoly on it!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hard Disk Drive: 50 Years Old Today

Today marks the 50th anniversary of IBM's launch of the RAMAC 305 & 350 Hard Disk Drives, which could hold a staggering 5 MB of data!

The hard disk drive turns 50 (external link to

Photo by U. S. Army Red River Arsenal

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Answers with Ken Ham - Video on Demand

The apologetics ministry Answers in Genesis is offering segments from their popular "Answers ... with Ken Ham" video series for free online:

Video On Demand, Answers with Ken Ham series

The series covers topics such as:
-Is Genesis Relevant Today?
-Is There Really a God?
-Dinosaurs - in the Bible?

This is excellent relevant material engagingly presented by Ken Ham...

Friday, September 08, 2006

Evening Sky Over Cincinnati

Yea, photos are working again on Blogger!

Evening view from the 5th floor of the Men's Dorm at GBS.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Blogger Issues

For some reason I'm having problems uploading photos to my blog... evidently Blogger is having some issues in relation to their Beta rollout.

Other than that, I am very much alive and well here at GBS!

Thank you to everyone who reads my blog! I'll try to post something more interesting once my photo capabilities are restored. For now, it's back to my studies... :-)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Cincinnati Fireworks

Last evening, I walked down to the Ohio riverfront with a group from GBS (and joined about 1/2 million other people; literally!) to watch the Labour Day fireworks exhibition.

Click here for a short video clip of the grand finale.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Bird's Eye View of GBS

Windows Live Local provides 45 degree angle aerial (thanks Ben!) images for many cities in the US, including some areas of Cincinnati. Click here to interact with the images of the GBS campus. Hint: once the page has loaded, try clicking on the icon of the large building to zoom in even closer.

All logos and graphics are trademarks of their respective owners. Above screenshot from

Talk about waking up disoriented!

This would throw you for a loop: someone boarded a flight in Malta and fell asleep only to find themselves in Malta again when they awoke after having flown to Bulgaria and back in their sleep!

Airline snooze turns one-way into round-trip (external link on

Friday, September 01, 2006

Revival Services

The school year at GBS started with a series of revival services. The speaker was Rev. John Parker who so powerfully delivered relevant messages from God's Word. One evening the school's president, Dr. Avery, opened the service with an admonition which spoke to me poignantly:

"Let's enter this service with our hearts on tip-toe"

To my mind, it painted a picture of someone expectantly stretching in order to see more clearly. Certainly, God's presence was felt in the services and the expectations of the heart were not disappointed.