Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2

Yesterday, Microsoft released the next preview of it's new Internet Explorer 7 browser. I've been using the new browser (which includes tabs, feeds, and a much slimmer profile then IE6) since it's initial beta release and except for some instability (which is expected since it's in beta), I like it alot. This latest release also includes free phone support, which they hope will encourage more people to try out the Beta 2 of IE7.

Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Download


Anonymous said...

Personally, I use the FireFox browser, and only use Internet Explorer 6 when I have to. I like its security and the fact that it has tabbed browsing...a feature I use all the time. It's highly customizable as well. (Is customizable a word? ...hmmm....)
I might try the Explorer 7, though, it looks like it might be intriguing, since it does include its version of tabbed browsing.

Malcolm said...

Thanks for leaving a comment! I tried installing and using FireFox a few separate times, but have always switched back to IE. While it seemed FireFox did render webpages more quickly and I did like the tabbed browsing, I quickly grew tired of not being able to access some webpage features because of not using IE (Office document templates from Microsoft's gallery, for example). This latest version of IE solves the tabbed browsing issue, and also includes more security features (will we ever have "enough"?). So, for now, I guess I am (still) an IE fan.

Anonymous said...

I also use firefox. Though a few days ago, I wasn't able to load a page with firefox and it came right up with IE. Oh well, I keep them both but primarily use firefox, especially for the muti-tab feature...