Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Reality vs. Illusion

In his lecture "Who am I? And the search for Identity", Michael Ramsden deals first with the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, who postulated there is no such thing as reality and that everything is an illusion. There are problems with this rather popular idea because, for one thing:

“If you say that everything is an illusion, you are assuming there is such a thing as reality from which you are distinguishing illusion. But if there is such a thing as reality from which you distinguish illusion, it is not true that everything is illusion, because you are assuming the existence of reality from which to distinguish illusion.”
- Michael Ramsden

That's my mind-boggling quote (which makes perfect sense if you think about it!) for this evening! The lecture is amazing, and well worth the listen. Free download in MP3 here.

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