Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Internet Issues

For the last several days, the guy's dorm suffered a complete (or almost complete) loss of internet access. Due to two too-long* days of intense training sessions, we weren't able look into the problem until this evening. After over 1.5 hrs of troubleshooting, which involved testing network cable along with replacing connectors & 2 hubs, we finally succeeded in repairing the problem.

During the time the internet was down, I would tote my laptop to the window at the end of the hallway to access the wireless connection on main campus. Here is my roommate, Shane, on location to check his e-mail.

* did you notice the three spellings of the word 2 in a row? :-)


Anonymous said...

No, I had not noticed the 3 spellings of the 2 word. However, upon further investigation of your blog, the threesome is indeed evident! Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

Internet? What is this that you speak? Why ever would something so valuable go down? Tis a mystery...