Saturday, February 24, 2007

Justice & Grace

This evening I am sitting at an ice cream/coffee shop writing a paper for my Sociology course. The purpose of the paper is to provide an overview of Charles Colson's book Justice That Restores. Here is an excerpt from my almost-finished paper:

As I write this portion of the paper in Ben & Jerry’s a live band is playing and singing “Amazing Grace” in the background. Surely it is only God’s amazing grace that affords any hope to the transgressor. Mr. Colson so poignantly points out in his book that no other religion, worldview, or approach, save the Gospel of Jesus Christ, can give an adequate answer to the sin problem; a problem that is at the true heart of crime. Not only does the Biblical worldview provide a transcendent authority for law, recognize the reality of sin and provide a mechanism to restrain it, but it also provides the only way out of the human dilemma through redemption (Colson, p. 157-158).


sct said...

Hi Malcolm,

Sounds like a good book, and I'd be interested to read your paper once you're finished.

Hey, since you're in Cincinnati, do you ever eat a Skyline for a bowl of Chilli?


Malcolm said...

I certainly found the book to worth the read! I'll try to remember to send you the paper when it's finished; thanks for your interest.

Actually, no, I haven't yet eaten at Skyline...I guess I do that while I'm here, eh?

Anonymous said...

Get a 5 way. Dan hasn't been yet either so we're planning on going sometime. We should have a group outing. Friday night foreign food Cincinnati style!

Malcolm said...

Sounds like a great plan! We'll have to organize that once everyone's back. I checked their online menu and the 5-Way looks delicious and very filling!