Monday, May 08, 2006

Helicopter Flight

This afternoon I had the opportunity to fly by helicopter out to a potential harvesting area with a couple of guys from our woodlands department. We spent over 1.5 hours in the air and also landed once at the site. Having never been in a helicopter before, I was glad for the experience. I also enjoyed the opportunity to see some of the field work required to procure wood for the mill.

-> More photos of the flight Update: Additional photos added!


Anonymous said...

wow Malcolm, that is quite the ride! I am very jelous to say the least. lol. Any more pictures you could post of your helicopter ride? Thx.

Anonymous said...

That looked like fun!

Malcolm said...

To my very anonymous friend Ben: I've posted more photos on my photo journal. Use the same link from my original entry...

Yes, the helicopter flight was definitely fun, and a great experience! Helicopters are certainly a versatile mode of transportation.